Fjallraven - NLTactical


Fjallraven is well known for his quality outdoor gear. A couple of items does have the perfect characteristics for tactical usage. Fjallraven does also has a assortment of clothing and gear which is especially adapted to hunting. Come to our 250m showro Mehr anzeigen




6 Produkte
Keb Trousers - Black/Black

Keb Trousers - Black/Black

Fjallraven Keb Trousers Black/Black
82830R 550/5...
Auf Lager
€ 224,95
Abisko Trousers - Black

Abisko Trousers - Black

Fjallraven Abisko Trousers Black
82831R 550/Blac...
Auf Lager
€ 184,95
Keb Eco-Shell Jacket - Black

Keb Eco-Shell Jacket - Black

Fjallraven Keb Eco-Shell Jacket Black
Auf Lager
€ 499,95

Ausgewählte Marken für Fjallraven

  • FjallRaven
Brenner Pro Trouser M - Dark Olive

Brenner Pro Trouser M - Dark Olive

Fjallraven Brenner Pro Trouser M Dark Olive
Auf Lager
€ 224,95
Keb Lite Padded Jacket - Black

Keb Lite Padded Jacket - Black

Fjallraven Keb Lite Padded Jacket Black
Auf Lager
€ 259,95
Keb Lite Padded Jacket - Stone Grey

Keb Lite Padded Jacket - Stone Grey

Fjallraven Keb Lite Padded Jacket Stone Grey
Auf Lager
€ 259,95

NLTactical I The largest stockholding shop and Fjallraven dealer in the Netherlands

NLTactical is the specialist for all professionals, diehard infantrymen, operators, and anyone who loves tactical equipment. All the latest gadgets in the field of military, police, DSI, BSB, hunting, survival, outdoor, and airsoft first on our website. We offer the largest stock, personal advice, and service aimed at professionals, but everyone is welcome.

NLTactical is a dealer of Fjallraventrousers, jackets en knee caps.

From summer clothes to winter clothing, in casual or camouflage, from tactical shoes to pouches, and from chest rigs to tactical accessories and protection, at NLTactical you are always at the right place! Complete your equipment now at Ordered before 17:00, delivered tomorrow!

If you prefer to see the products in real life, you are more than welcome in our showroom in Apeldoorn. Visiting outside of opening hours is also no problem, please contact us first and we will make sure that the coffee is ready for you.

Do you have a specific question or is the product you are looking for not yet available? Please let us know and we will look for a suitable solution.