Protect your cookware from the great outdoors. Whether you need to prevent the wind extinguishing an open flame, cooling the temperature of food, or blowing food or other items away then the Quad Connect Windshield has got your back. Its sturdy build and ground spikes ensure that you will always be protected.
This camping stove windshield has a double hinged design which means you can make custom shapes to suit any cooking setup. The windshield is also modular allowing for additional windshields to be added to protect larger cooking stations such as our double stoves.
If it’s storage space that you’re concerned about, then don’t worry, our windshield’s compact Z-fold design means it folds down into itself and packs neatly into the supplied carry bag.
Product code: RM686
Dimensions (open): 20cm(w) x 20cm(h) x 20cm(d) (+1.5cm ground spikes)
Dimensions (folded): 20cm(w) x 21.5cm(h) x 1cm(d)
Weight: 900g
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